In Strength and Fitness

We are more than simply a fitness organization. We are intentional about our faith, living life well, and being our best in whatever role(s) we find ourselves in life. We aim to honor God with everything we are. And we want to help you do the same.

When you become a Body & Soul® Fitness student, you’ll be given a free copy of our most current devotional booklet. In this, you’ll find our current playlist of songs/artists, and spiritual content that we hope will encourage and inspire you. Download a copy of our previous devotional booklet.
January 8, 2023

The dead of winter leaves many disheartened. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is a form of depression my own friends and family struggle with annually. At times they don’t even feel like they’re part of the ‘land of the living’, wanting only to hunker down and hibernate until spring. But for many, SAD symptoms can improve by engaging with the ‘land of the living’, refusing to pull the covers over your head. Others find relief through light therapy because sunlight is lacking during winter’s shorter days....

January 8, 2023
love prays

At a critical time in my life a Christian movie about love and godly marriage was produced and made it into theaters. The Kendrick brothers’ Fireproof movie of 2008 spoke to me, and I was ‘all in’ with their accompanying book, The Love Dare. The film’s main character journeys through this 40-day challenge as his marriage is dissolving. God changes his heart and saves his marriage! Better than Hallmark!

I have re-visited my “Love Dare” book repeatedly over the past 15 years...

January 1, 2023

I am lucky that I am a creature of habit. I don’t usually do things randomly. I like to have a plan and I’m pretty good at sticking with the plan.  A habit is “a settled or regular tendency or practice.” Habits are the things we do again and again until they become such a part of our life that we don’t even notice we are doing them. So it seems to me that a key to living a healthy life is to establish some healthy habits for both the body and the soul. One “body” habit that I have settled on...

December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Krismasi Njema, Boldog Karácsonyt!

As this greeting is translated into different languages the meaning is slightly different, yet very much the same. In English the word merry means cheerful or happy...

December 18, 2022
advent peace
“All the history of humankind, all the hatred we embodied, the death we so frequently inflicted on the innocent, the pride and arrogance with which we ruled and dominated nations, deserved violent retribution. But down came no lightning bolt of judgement, no nuke or slaying black-cloud. Instead, came a baby. Peace inhabited all that violent pride. Not warring against it, but growing amidst it. Displacing it eventually through a refusal to accept the world on the terms that violence dictates.” - Commoners Communion...

December 11, 2022
Fat or Phat?

It’s that time of year -- when we all are thinking about weight loss, making resolutions, and putting together a strategy to do something about it.

Body & Soul® instructors are primed to help, especially with recent training. At the 2022 RECHARGE™ annual training convention for Body & Soul® instructors, education focus on the hips took a surprising and interesting turn in the “Fat or Phat” session...

December 11, 2022
advent joy

When I was growing up our family had many Christmas traditions that filled our hearts with joy. I loved helping with the decorating, and my Mom had many beautiful things that we unpacked and placed each in its own special spot.  My favorite was the manger scene. It was breakable, so each piece was placed with care on our mantle, telling the story of the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins on the first Christmas day. God with us, Emmanuel....

December 4, 2022
advent peace

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year! Trimming the tree, sipping hot cocoa, shopping for loved ones, taking late night drives to look at Christmas lights… it’s truly the season of giving!

That’s certainly what many of us think of when we approach the holiday season. But there’s a flipside to that...

November 27, 2022

A recent series on Disney+ has my husband’s (and many others’) attention.  The Mandalorian is a live-action television series of the Star Wars franchise.  While I won’t attempt to connect any of the show’s entertaining themes to our Christian faith, one thing does repeatedly capture my attention.  Mandalorians regularly say a phrase to one another that is met with great acceptance -  “This is the way.”  Every time I hear those words my mind shifts to “Jesus is the Way!”  

What if the world came to know that truth and...

November 24, 2022
count your blessings

There are times my mind is drawn to worry, World situations, family health concerns, decisions that need to be made…if I’m not careful, small concerns (and big ones) can spiral downward and cause me to doubt, second guess myself and well, ruin my day. I know in my heart that I need to pre-empt the downward spiral. I need to cast my cares on God and ask him to help me to take my thoughts captive...