Times and seasons
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. Genesis 1:14-15 ESV
There are so many ways we can mark the passing of time: calendars, diaries, or organizers. My favorite way, though, is to watch the growing up of my children. From babies, to toddlers, to pre-teens then adults, it’s amazing to watch the march of time in the growth of a child. Sometimes the march feels like a never-ending marathon and sometimes it’s more like a whirlwind sprint, but no matter the season, we can rest assured that God is present and in control.
God stands outside of time and is not bound by its limitations like you and me. He knows the beginning and end of all the seasons of our lives.
In the seasons of joy, He is there.
In the seasons of struggle and pain, He is there.
His Spirit exhorts us in every season to focus on the truth of His gospel and His deep love for us.
Consider this question, “How are you using your time?” We can choose to make good use of the time and seasons we find ourselves in, or we can waste that precious gift of time.
Is He calling you to serve a little more?
Maybe it’s time you stepped up to lead a Body & Soul® Fitness class?
Maybe He is calling you to spend a little more time at home seeking Him?
Whatever season you are in, the time you have been given is a gift. Unwrap that gift today and know that the Giver of all good gifts will lead and guide you as you seek His will in this season.
Hoping in Him ~
Tracie Durham
Little Rock, AR
Tracie Durham is a Body & Soul® Instructor in Central Arkansas. She is a home school momma to three amazing kiddos and wife to a fire chief. Tracie loves to think deeply about the things of Jesus and write and reflect on His Word. Her hope is that this post blesses you and brings honor and glory to God.
Body and Soul® Fitness is an international Christian fitness organization that trains and equips instructors to lead a variety of group fitness programs including choreographed aerobics-style Cardio Strength & Flexibility™, cardio dance style Dance Blast™, free-weights-focused Power Strength™, boot camp style FIT360™ and Longevity FIT360™, and GOLD™ - lower impact programming for participants that are pregnant, have weight challenges, injuries, or other medical conditions. These exercise classes meet in church gyms, community centers, gymnasiums, parking lots, schools, etc. across the United States, Europe, and Africa. In-person and virtual fitness classes are available.
Key words: Christian fitness, women's exercise classes, group fitness, dance aerobics classes, Christian group fitness, Christian fitness app, FitTV, Body & Soul, Body and Soul, fitness instuctor training, low impact exercise