June 1, 2024

the power of community

What comes to your mind when you think of “invitation”? When’s the last time you received an invitation that made you feel really special…chosen…included? At Body & Soul® Fitness, we have a powerful sense of community. For many instructors and students, we have been part of this ministry for many years. When asked what keeps us involved, though the answers vary, each one tells a story. Some common reasons for staying with the ministry include the music because of the message contained there, the high energy workouts that can be adapted to anyone, and the spiritual impact resources that contribute to our personal growth in the Lord and the opportunity to encourage the same growth in our students. But do you know the overwhelming winning answer to their longevity in Body & Soul®? Community. Those of us who can’t imagine not being a part of the ministry report finding long-standing community here – and there is power in this community! Before community can be created though, we have to get here, right? So how did we get here? Almost unanimously, we were all invited. Someone invited us to visit their Body & Soul® class or watch a workout video or check out the website to learn more information about the ministry. The invitation is where it all started. If you aren’t already an Instructor or a student of Body & Soul®, consider this your invitation. Find a class to visit at www.bodyandsoul.org/classes or sign up for your 30-day FitTV™ free trial to experience our 6 different exercise programs on demand. Then, create your own invitation list and become the one doing the inviting. Invite others to experience the power of the Body & Soul® community at any level: Instructor, student, prayer partner, or donor. Our goal is to glorify God and share our faith through fitness, and the ultimate invitation we can extend is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s be intentional and invite as many people as possible to join us on this amazing journey. Who will you invite?

by Amy Stafford
Panama City Beach, FL

Amy StaffordAmy Stafford is the President of Body & Soul® Fitness, Certified Personal Trainer, ACE faculty and ACE Group Fitness Instructor. She is a leader in the fitness industry and is a popular speaker for women's events, retreats, fitness conferences. For information on booking Amy for your event or for an interview please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Amy currently resides in the Panama City Beach, FL area and teaches virtually.