June 6, 2021
Spiritual Strength Training

Luke 17:20b-21 “The Kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (ESV)

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (ESV) 

New Perspective

The Kingdom of God is here…wait... must we look for it?! Yes & yes.  If we are in Christ, we’re filled with the Holy Spirit and residents of the Kingdom of God, but we’re still plagued and surrounded with our natural body and the world.  It’s a tug of war. But we have the victory for a new perspective if we seek it. Through the Holy Spirit we can have a revolutionary vantage point for seeing our circumstances, possessions, and relationships – it is the point of view of knowing what counts for eternity. God’s approach to everything in life is 180 degrees from ours. (Isaiah 55:8-11) It’s the Kingdom of God approach.  The way we naturally come to decisions, and set goals and desires is governed by what we see, hear, feel etc., but God’s approach rests in His plan for the eternal Kingdom, and His perfect character.  Does this sound mystifying, impossible? How do we approach life as God does, if it is so opposite from ours? How do God’s goals and decisions become ours? Along with studying God’s word (dig in deep), prayer is vital to figuring out the eternal Kingdom outlook. Asking the Holy Spirit to show us God’s perspective is asking for wisdom (James 1:5).  He promises to give it to us if we ask.  He also promises to be with us all the time (John 14:17).  That means we can ask Him all the time, any time. Let’s pray continually!  (I Thessalonians 5:17) 

Thought for the Day.

The Kingdom of God is here.

Dear Lord, Your ways are not my ways, your thoughts are not my thoughts.  They are far greater than mine. Reveal to me Your ways and thoughts, so that I will desire, plan, and live for Your Kingdom and not be deceived by my own.  Thank you for making me a citizen of your Kingdom. 

By Trina Young, Maryland 

Trina YoungTreasuring over 20 years of connection with Body & Soul(R) Fitness as a student, instructor, operations assist      admin, copyright manager, and spiritual impact team, I'm honored and excited to be a part of what God is doing through Body & Soul(R) and hope to support and serve you with the love and truth of Jesus. ❤️ I also enjoy taking a sledgehammer to walls in my house, refinishing furniture, and recently, knitting (Youtube), although none of my 3 children will wear anything I've made in public.